
samedi 27 avril 2013


Télécharger « 17897741-not-brainwashed-american-women-who-converted-to-islam-speak-out »

Not 'brainwashed': American women who converted to Islam speak out S. Deneen Photography Lauren Schreiber, 26, converted to Islam in 2010 after a study-abroad trip. She and others want to dispel stereotypes that have sprung up after news reports about Katherine Russell, 24, the U.S.-born wife of suspected Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. By JoNel Aleccia, Senior Writer, NBC News When an American convert to Islam was revealed as the wife of the dead Boston bombing suspect, Lauren Schreiber wasn’t surprised at what came next. Comments from former acquaintances and complete strangers immediately suggested that 24-year-old Katherine Russell, a New England doctor’s daughter, must have been coerced and controlled by her husband, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died last week in a firefight with police. “She was a very sweet woman, but I think kind of brainwashed by him,” reported the Associated Press, quoting Anne Kilzer, a Belmont, Mass., woman who said she knew Russell and her 3-year-old daughter. Advertise | AdChoices That kind of assumption isn’t new to Schreiber, 26, a Greenbelt, Md., woman who became a Muslim in 2010. “The moment you put on a hijab, people assume that you’ve forfeited your free will,” says Schreiber, who favors traditional Islamic dress. The Boston terror attack and the questions about whether Russell knew about her husband’s deadly plans have renewed stereotypes and misconceptions that U.S. women who have chosen that faith say they want to dispel. “It’s not because somebody made me do this,” explains Schreiber, who converted after a college study-abroad trip to West Africa. “It’s what I choose to do and I’m happy.” Rebecca Minor Rebecca Minor, 28, of West Hartford, Conn., converted to Islam five years ago. Wearing a hijab "reminds me to be a good person," she said. Her view is echoed by Rebecca Minor, 28, of West Hartford, Conn., a special education teacher who converted to Islam five years ago. When her students, ages 5 to 8, ask why she wears a headscarf, she always says the same thing: "It's something that's important to me and it reminds me to be a good person," says Minor, who is secretary for the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut. Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the U.S. population, according to studies by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. In 2011, about 1.8 million U.S. adults were Muslim, and about 20 percent had converted to the faith, Pew researchers say. Of those converts, about 54 percent were men and 46 percent were women. About 1 in 5 converts mentioned family factors, including marrying a Muslim, as a reason for adopting the faith. Accusations are 'harsh' Women convert for a wide range of reasons -- spiritual, intellectual and romantic -- says Yvonne Haddad, a professor of the history of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations at Georgetown University. “Islam is attractive to women that the feminist movement left behind,” says Haddad, who co-authored a 2006 book, “Muslim Women in America: The Challenge of Islamic Identity Today.” Women like Lindsey Faraj, 26, of Charlotte, N.C., say that wearing a headscarf and other traditional Islamic garb in public often leads people to assume she sacrificed her American life to please a man. “'You must have converted in order to marry him,' I hear it all the time,” says Faraj, who actually converted simultaneously with her husband, Wathek Faraj, who is from Damascus, about four years ago. Advertise | AdChoices She’s also heard people say that her husband is allowed to beat her, that she’s not free to get a divorce, that she and her two children, ages 4 months and 2, are subservient to the man. Such concepts are untrue, of course, she says. Facebook Lindsey Faraj, 26, of Charlotte, N.C., converted to Islam four years ago. She says it was thoughtful, heart-felt choice that changed her life. “In the beginning, it did offend me a lot,” says Faraj, who grew up in a Christian family in Florida. “But now as my sense of my new self has grown, I don’t feel offended.” She’s able to joke, for instance, about the woman who screamed insults from a passing car. “They screamed: ‘Go back to your own country’ and I thought, ‘It doesn’t get more white than this, girl,’” says Faraj, indicating her fair features. Like all stereotypes, such views are steeped in fear, says Haddad. “Accusations of brainwashing are harsh,” she says. “They cover up the fact that we don’t comprehend why people like ‘us’ want to change and be like ‘them.’” All three women say they came to Islam after much thought and spiritual searching. Islam 'entered my heart' Schreiber, who is a community outreach and events coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, says she was drawn to the religion after meeting other Muslims on her trip abroad before graduating from St. Mary's College of Maryland in 2009. She grew up in an agnostic family where she was encouraged to discover her own faith. Follow @NBCNewsUS "It was, whatever you decide to do -- temple, church, mosque -- I support you finding yourself," says Schreiber. She's now married to a Muslim man, Muhammad Oda, 27, whose parents were both converts to Islam. She said came to the faith before the relationship. Faraj, a stay-at-home mom, says she never saw herself "as a religious person, in the least," but became enthralled after trying to learn more about Islam before a visit to see her husband's family. “The concept of Islam hit me,” Faraj recalls. “It was just something that entered my heart.” Minor, who is single, says she was intrigued by Islam in college, when she was close friends with a deployed American Marine but had Muslim friends at school. Advertise | AdChoices "I saw a huge discrepancy in the negative things I heard coming from my (friend) and the actions I could see in my co-workers," she recalls. After spending 18 months learning about Islam, she decided to convert. The response from family and friends has been overwhelmingly supportive, Minor says. "The more you can do to educate people about Islam, not by preaching, but by actions, the better," she says. Reports that Katherine Russell might have been embroiled in an abusive relationship, or that her husband intimidated her aren’t an indictment of Islam, Haddad says. "Abusive men come in all colors, nationalities, ethnicities and from all religions," she says. "No one says that Christianity teaches abuse of women because some Christian men are abusive." Schreiber says she frequently gets comments from people surprised to see her fair skin and hear her American accent from beneath a scarf. She says she appreciates it when people actually ask questions instead of making assumptions. “I just want people to know that there are American Muslim women who wear hijab by choice because they believe in it and it feels right to them, not because anyone tells them to.” Related stories: Family of slain bombing suspect's widow: 'Our hearts are sickened' Wife of dead bombing suspect: Husband's alleged involvement was "absolute shock"

Сегодня все можно…Сегодня так просто...


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Сегодня все можно…Сегодня так просто
в объятиях неба от счастья застыть,
увидев вдали удивительный остров,
тотчас к нему в дымке пленительной плыть.

Кружиться под соснами, ветру внимая,
вселенские сны раздарить по утру,
и слышать, как песня поется земная,
поверив в сердечную эту игру.

Небрежным движением миг свой лелеять,
безгрешной судьбы расточая тепло,
и парусом алым за дымкою реять,
общаясь с пространством без вычурных слов.

Сегодня так просто…Сегодня все можно:
в снежинках кружиться под белой луной,
над бездной проплыть не спеша, осторожно,
живительной влаги напиться лесной…

И новые годы в излучине счастья
узреть, помолившись под куполом дня,
и чувствовать жизни святое участие,
купаясь в ее негасимых огнях…


© Copyright: Любовь Уколова, 2011
Свидетельство о публикации №111122900387















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Сказки дядюшки Лютена...в мавританском переплёте...
Так волшебно...вкусно...спело...эксклюзивно и...всерьёз...
Пол-вселенной обойдите...но такого не найдёте...
Чтобы было столько сразу...криминальных тубероз...

Чтобы девушки на шпильках...и султаны...и волчица...
Жили в мире и согласьи...и делились бы...строкой...
Чтоб мерцали...целлофаны...и причины не влюбиться...
Не было...не то что малой...а конкретно...никакой...

Чтоб дружили ветиверы...с табаком и белым мёдом...
Чтоб к дубам или к полыни...позарез хотелось в плен...
Чтоб узнать...что Светло-Серый...из янтарной тайны... родом...
Сказки дядушки Лютена...
               Гран мерси!...
                        Месье Лютен!...


© Copyright: Вита Савицкая, 2012
Свидетельство о публикации №112020100719


































































мой внутренний... МИР
















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Сделай так...чтоб ты мне ...понравился...
Не помеха...твоя седина...
Ведь не кастинг - любовь...а таинство...
И она...только тайне...равна...

Поцелуем сотру...как ластиком...
Все морщинки у глаз...без следа...
Сделай так...чтобы стал ты ...праздником...

Моим центром...моей окраиной...
Моей самой...дорогой прямой...
Сделай так...чтобы как за каменной...
За тобою была я...стеной...

Чтоб могла быть...смешной...беспечною...
Не боялась болтать...ни о чём...
Чтоб могла оставаться...женщиной...
Сделай так...чтобы стал мне плечом...

Сделай так...чтоб звучали...в стерео...
И не гасли в ночи...фонари...
Сделай так...чтоб в тебя...поверила...
И ещё...
             не ори.....


© Copyright: Вита Савицкая, 2012
Свидетельство о публикации №112031500046





















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Лети весной навстречу счастью,
пошире руки распахни -
они как крылья…Ты – всевластен!
Из свежих грез Любовь вдохни!

Ты скажешь:”Бред!” Но то – причастье
к Вселенской трепетной Любви…
Лети, мой друг, навстречу счастью,
свою судьбу весной лови!

Ах, сколько чувств! Их россыпь греет
и окрыляет сердце вновь,
но это тем, кто в счастье верит
и ждет проказницу-Любовь…

Молчит рассудок, разум – тоже…
Влюбленный бред…Касанье глаз…
Как это все приятно, Боже,
и далеко от скучных фраз.

И в легкой поступи свободы,
сквозь страсть и боль, и чудеса,
Любовь живет под небосводом,
с ней расцветают небеса…

Лети весной навстречу счастью…


© Copyright: Любовь Уколова, 2012
Свидетельство о публикации №112041801765


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Я подберу упавшие слезинки
в них аккуратно дырок насверлю
и нанизав на тоненькую нитку
тебе их ожерельем подарю.
И под хрустальный перезвон
вдруг каждое движенье,
твой каждый шаг
напомнит танец мне
далёких греческих смуглянок,
и китаянок, на великой их стене.
И жестами индийского круженья
ты мне признаешься в любви,
и в ритме обнажённый африканок
услышу я слова твои....
И я в ответ по-русски поцелую,
махнув рукой, на всякое: " потом"...
зажгу свечу, храня огонь в ладонях,
и тихой радостью наполнится мой дом....


© Copyright: Иван-Дурак., 2002
Свидетельство о публикации №102102400603










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O toi mon amour Pour que chaque jour Soit une fête A en perdre la tête JE TE DISAIS Etonne-moi Surprend-moi Emporte-moi Invente-moi Un quotidien Dans lequel nous soyons bien Et non un quotidien Qui ne mène à rien ET TU LE FAISAIS JE TE DISAIS Je veux des arcs-en-ciel Des nuits calines Aux délicieuses montées d'adrénaline Je veux ce qui est essentiel ET TU ME LES OFFRAIS JE TE DISAIS Que le "Je" deviendrait "Nous" Que les jours s'égrèneraient Au rythme de nos "Je t'aime" Que notre amour toujours vivrait ET TU Y CROYAIS JE TE DISAIS Je te donnerai tout Pour que jamais ne reviennent Nos douleurs anciennes Tu me donneras tout ET TU T'EN REJOUISSAIS JE TE DISAIS En nous je crois Faisons-nous confiance Donnons-nous la chance Qui à toi comme à moi Nous a échappé parfois ET TU LE SOUHAITAIS AUJOURD'HUI JE TE DIS tu es parti Comme un voleur Tu as quitté ma vie Laissant mon coeur Rempli d'une ineffable douleur AUJOURD'HUI JE TE DIS Ton départ si brutal Qui me fait si mal A dévasté mon avenir A brûlé mon devenir AUJOURD'HUI JE TE DIS Que va être ma vie maintenant Je ne sais pas... Et le pire... C'est de ne pas pouvoir te haîr Non je ne peux pas Je t'aime tan